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MobiLink Synchronization User's Guide
  Tutorial: Using MobiLink with an Oracle 8i Consolidated Database
    Lesson 1: Create your databases

ODBC data sources

You can now create ODBC data sources through which you connect to the Oracle consolidated database and the Adaptive Server Anywhere remote database. MobiLink requires ODBC data source to perform data synchronization.

The consolidated data source 

Ensure that you know your Instance, Service and Database names, as these values are required for the ODBC portion of the installation. These values are established at the time of your Oracle installation.

The following steps set up an ODBC configuration for the Oracle consolidated database. You will set up the ODBC connections for the Adaptive Server Anywhere remote database later.

To set up an ODBC data source for Oracle

  1. Choose Start > Programs > Sybase SQL Anywhere 9 > Adaptive Server Anywhere > ODBC Administrator.

    The ODBC Data Source Administrator opens.

  2. Click Add on the User DSN tab. The Create New Data Source window appears.

  3. Select iAnywhere Solutions - Oracle 8, 8i and 9i Driver, and click Finish.

    The ODBC Oracle Driver Setup window appears.

  4. Click the General tab and type the data source name ora_consol. This is the DSN value used for connecting to your Oracle database. You will need it later.

  5. Enter the server name. This value depends on your Oracle installation. If the server is on your computer, you may be able to leave this field blank.

  6. Click the Advanced tab. Enter a Default User Name. For this tutorial you can use system, or any User Name with sufficient rights to create objects. Click OK.

  7. Click OK to close the ODBC Data Source Administrator.

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