Contents Index Creating a consolidated database Tables in the CustDB databases

MobiLink Synchronization User's Guide
  The CustDB Sample Application

Setting up an UltraLite remote database

The following procedure creates a remote database for CustDB. The CustDB remote database must be an UltraLite database.

The application logic for the remote database is located in the Samples\UltraLite\CustDB subdirectory of your SQL Anywhere 9 installation. It includes the following files:

You will complete the following steps in order to install the sample application to a remote device that is running UltraLite:

To install the sample application to a remote device

  1. Start the consolidated database.

  2. Start the MobiLink synchronization server.

  3. Install the sample application to your remote device.

  4. Start the sample application on the remote device.

  5. Synchronize the sample application.


The following example installs the CustDB sample on a Palm device running against a DB2 consolidated database.

  1. Ensure that the consolidated database is running:

  2. Start the MobiLink synchronization server:

  3. Install the sample application to your Palm device:

  4. Start the CustDB sample application on your Palm device:

  5. Synchronize the remote application with the consolidated database. You will only need to complete this step when you have made changes to the database.

Clean up 

You may want to reset the data in the CustDB database in order to restart the sample. To revert the data in the CustDB UltraLite database to its original state, complete the following steps.

To reset the data in the sample application

  1. Install the ULUtil on your device:

  2. Delete the data using ULUtil:

Contents Index Creating a consolidated database Tables in the CustDB databases