Contents Index -sc option -uo option

MobiLink Synchronization Reference
  MobiLink Synchronization Client
    dbmlsync options

-u option


Specifies the MobiLink user name.


dbmlsync -u ml_username ...


You can specify one user in the dbmlsync command line, where ml_username is the name used in the FOR clause of the CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION SUBSCRIPTION statement corresponding to the subscription to be processed.

This option should be used in conjunction with -n publication to identify the subscription on which dbmlsync should operate. Each subscription is uniquely identified by an ml_username, publication pair.

You can only specify one user name on the command line. All subscriptions to be synchronized in a single run must involve the same user. The -u option can be omitted if each publication that is specified on the command line with the -n option has only one subscription.

Contents Index -sc option -uo option