Contents Index sp_hook_dbmlsync_download_ri_violation sp_hook_dbmlsync_download_table_begin

MobiLink Synchronization Reference
  Stored Procedures
    Client event-hook procedures



Handle database errors reading the download stream sent by the MobiLink synchronization server.

Rows in #hook_dict table  
Name Values Description
table name (in) table name The table to which operations were being applied when the error occurred. The value is an empty string if dbmlsync is unable to identify the table.
continue (in|out) True|False Indicates whether the error should be ignored and synchronization should continue. This parameter should be set to true to ignore the error and continue, or false to call the sp_hook_dbmlsync_-download_fatal_sql_error hook and stop synchronization. When true is returned in this field the operation that caused the SQL error is lost.
SQL error code (in) SQL error code Identifies the SQL error code returned by the database when the operation failed.
publication_n (in) publication name The publications being synchronized, where n is an integer. There is one publication_n entry for each publication being uploaded.
MobiLink user (in) MobiLink user name The MobiLink user for which you are synchronizing.
script version (in) script version name The MobiLink script version to be used for the synchronization.

If a procedure of this name exists, it is invoked when a database error is detected during the download phase of synchronization. The procedure is only invoked for errors where it is possible to ignore the error and continue with synchronization. For fatal errors, the sp_hook_dbmlsync_download_fatal_SQL_error procedure is called.

Actions of this procedure are committed or rolled back when the download stream is committed or rolled back.

See also 

Synchronization event hook sequence


Contents Index sp_hook_dbmlsync_download_ri_violation sp_hook_dbmlsync_download_table_begin