Contents Index MobiLink client database extraction utility (deprecated) Certificate reader utility

MobiLink Synchronization Reference

MobiLink user authentication utility

Registers MobiLink users at the consolidated database. For Adaptive Server Anywhere remotes, the users must have previously been created at the remote databases with the CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION USER statement.


dbmluser [ options ] -c "connection-string"
-f file | -u user [ -p password ] }

Option Description
-c "keyword=value;..." Supply database connection parameters. The connection string must give the utility permission to connect to the consolidated database using an ODBC data source. This parameter is required.
-d Deletes the user name(s) specified by -f or -u.
-dl Display messages in the window or on the command line and also in the log file, if specified.
-f filename Read the user names and passwords from the specified file. The file should be a text file containing one user name and password pair on each line, separated by white space. You must specify either -f or -u.
-o filename Log output messages to the specified file.
-os size Limit the size of the output file. The size is the maximum file size for logging output messages, specified in bytes. Use the suffix k or m to specify units of kilobytes or megabytes, respectively. By default, there is no size limit. The minimum size limit is 10 kb.
-ot filename Truncate the log file and then append output messages to it. The default is to send output to the screen.
-p password Password to associate with the user. This option can only be used with -u.
-pc collation-id Supply a database collation ID for character set translation of the user name and password. This should be one of the Adaptive Server Anywhere collation labels such as those listed in Initialization utility options. For machines using single-byte character sets the default is 1252LATIN1. For machines using multi-byte character sets, the default is 932JPN.
-u ml_username Specify the user name to add (or delete, if used with -d). Only one user can be specified on a single command line. This option is used with -p if passwords are being used. You must specify either -f or -u.

Given a user/password pair, the dbmluser utility first attempts to add the user. If the user has already been added to the consolidated database, it attempts to update the password for that user.

There are alternative ways to register user names in the consolidated database:

The MobiLink user must already exist in a remote database. To add users at the remote, you have the following options:

See also 

Authenticating MobiLink Users

Contents Index MobiLink client database extraction utility (deprecated) Certificate reader utility