Contents Index DataType Conversions IBM DB2

MobiLink Synchronization Reference
  DataType Conversions

Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise

The following table identifies how Adaptive Server Anywhere data types are mapped to Adaptive Server Enterprise data types.

Adaptive Server Anywhere data type Adaptive Server Enterprise data type
bit bit
tinyint tinyint
smallint smallint
int int
integer integer
decimal [defaults p=30, s=6] numeric(30,6)
numeric [defaults p=30 s=6] numeric(30,6)
float real
real real
double float
smallmoney numeric(10,4)
money numeric(19,4)
date datetime
time datetime
timestamp datetime
smalldatetime datetime
datetime datetime
char(n) varchar(n)
character(n) varchar(n)
varchar(n) varchar(n)
character varying(n) varchar(n)
long varchar text
text text
binary(n) binary(n)
long binary image
image image
bigint numeric(20,0)

Contents Index DataType Conversions IBM DB2