Contents Index Deployment overview Deploying Adaptive Server Anywhere MobiLink clients

MobiLink Synchronization Reference
  Deploying MobiLink Applications

Deploying the MobiLink server

The simplest way to deploy a MobiLink synchronization server into a production environment is to install a licensed copy of SQL Anywhere Studio onto the production machine.

However, if you are redistributing a MobiLink synchronization server in a separate install program (subject to your license agreement), you may include only a subset of the files. In this case, you need to include the following files in your installation.

Windows applications 
Description Windows files
MobiLink synchronization server dbmlsrv9.exe, dbmlsv9.dll, dbunic9.dll, dbmsql9.dll, charsets\unicode
Language library dblgen9.dll1
Windows Performance Monitor support dbmlctr9.dll2, dbmlctr9.ini, dbmlctr9.h
Synchronization stream libraries (deploy the ones you use) dbmlsock9.dll, dbmlhttp9.dll, dbmlhttps9.dll, dbmlrsa9.dll
Java synchronization logic win32\dbmjava9.dll, win32\mljodbc9.dll, java\mlscript.jar, java\jodbc.jar, java\mlnotif.jar, java\mailapi.jar, java\smtp.jar, java\activation.jar
.NET synchronization logic win32\dnetodbc9.dll, win32\iAnywhere.MobiLink.dll, win32\iAnywhere.MobiLink.Script.dll, win32\dbmdnet9.dll, win32\mlDomConfig.xsd, win32\iAnywhere.MobiLink.Script.xml, MobiLink\setup\dnet\mlDomConfig.xml
Security option (separately licensable) win32\dbmltls9.dll, win32\dbmljtls9.dll
Script files (deploy the ones for your consolidated database) MobiLink\setup, MobiLink\upgrade
iAnywhere Solutions ODBC drivers \drivers
dbmluser utility dbmluser.exe
dbmlstop utility dbmlstop.exe
error names h\sserror.h
MobiLink Monitor java\mlmon.jar, dbmlmon.exe, shared\java\jsyblib14.jar, shared\java\HelpManager11.jar, ultralite\java\lib\ulrt.jar
language jar java\dbmaen9.jar
MobiLink Redirector MobiLink\redirector
Sybase Central shared\Sybase Central 4.2
Sybase Central plug-in win32\dbmlput9.dll

Note: Files may be located in the win32 or win64 directory, depending on your version of the software.

1 For French, German, Japanese, and Chinese editions, substitute en with fr, de, ja, and zh, respectively.

2 Your setup program must self-register this file.

UNIX applications 
Description UNIX files
MobiLink synchronization server dbmlsrv9, lib/, lib/, lib/, charsets/unicode
Language library dblgen9.res1
Windows Performance Monitor support N/A
Synchronization stream libraries (deploy the ones you use) lib/, lib/, lib/, lib/
Java synchronization logic lib/, lib/, java/mlscript.jar, java/jodbc.jar, java/mlnotif.jar, java/mailapi.jar, java/smtp.jar, java/activation.jar
.NET synchronization logic N/A
Security option (separately licensable) lib/, lib/
Script files (deploy the ones for your consolidated database) MobiLink/setup, MobiLink/upgrade
iAnywhere Solutions ODBC drivers drivers
dbmluser utility dbmluser
dbmlstop utility dbmlstop
error names h/sserror.h
MobiLink Monitor java/mlmon.jar, bin/dbmlmon, shared/java/jsyblib14.jar, shared/java/HelpManager11.jar, ultralite/java/lib/ulrt.jar
language jar java/dbmaen9.jar
MobiLink Redirector redirector/redirector.config, redirector/java
Sybase Central shared/sybcentral42
Sybase Central plug-in

1 For French, German, Japanese, and Chinese editions, substitute en with fr, de, ja, and zh, respectively.

Contents Index Deployment overview Deploying Adaptive Server Anywhere MobiLink clients