Contents Index Unable to get a socket's local name. The host name '%1!s!' could not be found.

MobiLink Synchronization Reference
  MobiLink Communication Error Messages
    Communication error descriptions

Unable to get socket option number %1!s!.

Item Value
Error code 65
Constant SOCKET_GET_OPTION (Java) STREAM_ERROR_SOCKET_GET_OPTION (C/C++) ulStreamErrorSocketGetOption (Visual Basic)
Parameter 1 The socket option being retrieved.
Probable cause 

The network layer was unable to get a socket option. This error may be the first indication that a connection has been lost. Check the following:

1) The machine is still connected to the network, and the network is responsive.

2) The other side of the connection is running normally.

3) There are enough system resources available. Free up system resources if they are running low.

Contents Index Unable to get a socket's local name. The host name '%1!s!' could not be found.