Contents Index MobiLink synchronization server error messages sorted message A downloaded value for table %1!s! (column #%2!ld!) was either too big or invalid for the remote schema type

MobiLink Synchronization Reference
  MobiLink Synchronization Server Error Messages

MobiLink synchronization server error descriptions

This section provides a full listing of error messages and descriptions.

Errors with an ODBC state marked "handled by ODBC driver" are not returned to ODBC applications, as the ODBC driver carries out the required actions.

A downloaded value for table %1!s! (column #%2!ld!) was either too big or invalid for the remote schema type
A network read failed. Unable to read data from the remote client
A protocol error occurred when attempting to retrieve the remote client's synchronization log
An error occurred when trying to store progress information in the consolidated database
An error occurred while uploading a deleted row into table '%1!s!'. The deleted column values are as follows:
An error occurred while uploading an insert row into table '%1!s!'. The inserted column values are as follows:
An error occurred while uploading an updated row into table '%1!s!'. The updated column values are as follows:
Attempt to set non-null column to null
Cannot convert '%1!s!' to Unicode
Cannot directly determine the name of the table referenced by the cursor. The table name is required for inserts, updates, and deletes when using the Microsoft ODBC Cursor Library
Cannot load dll: '%1!s!' for Script Language: '%2!s!'
Client is unable to process truncate table request for table '%1!s!'
Collation not supported by this server
Consolidated database server or ODBC error: %1!s!
Download failed with client error %1!d!
Download stream encountered error in remote database
Error fetching connection script %1!s!
Error fetching table script %1!s!.%2!s!
Expecting %1!ld! authentication parameter(s) from client, but received %2!ld! for script %3!s!
Expecting %1!ld! columns in cursor, but found %2!ld!
Expecting %1!ld! parameters in script, but only found %2!ld!: %3!s!
Expecting at least %1!ld! parameters in script, but only found %2!ld!: %3!s!
Extraneous data found in upload stream
INTERNAL ERROR: occurred while retrieving a BLOB -- null
INTERNAL ERROR: occurred while retrieving a BLOB -- read
INTERNAL ERROR: occurred while retrieving a BLOB -- zero length
INTERNAL ERROR: occurred while storing a BLOB -- write
Internal error: wrong function '%1!s!' called. Please contact technical support
Invalid password for user %1!s!
LANG: %1!s! - Failed to attach worker thread
LANG: %1!s! = Failed to allocate database connection
Memory allocation failed
Memory allocation failed, attempted to allocate %1!lu! bytes
No download confirmation from remote database
No error or unknown error
No server connection string specified
Old versions of MobiLink clients cannot ping the MobiLink synchronization server
Protocol error
Protocol error: an invalid timestamp precision of %1!d! was sent from the remote
Protocol error: client requests an unsupported capability (%1!s!)
Protocol error: there is no publication that contains table '%1!s!'
Protocol version mismatch
Required ODBC function %1!s! is not supported by the driver
Scripts cannot be defined as NULL
The %1!s! cursor is unexpectedly undefined
The %1!s! script returned %2!ld!
The MobiLink synchronization server DLL version does not match the data layer DLL version
The MobiLink synchronization server was unable to calculate the timestamp precision on the consolidated database using the ml_scripts_modified table. Timestamp precision related warnings will not be generated
The MobiLink synchronization server was unable to modify the error message using the modify_error_message script
The client cannot find the consolidated progress offset from the client transaction log(s)
The length of the name of a publication, table, or column cannot be retrieved from the upload stream
The publication, table, or column name received from the client is too long: the length is %1!d!
The remote database may have been restored from backup, or perhaps user name '%1!s!' is being used by different remote databases. Set ml_user.commit_state to zero to re-enable synchronizations for this user
The row is too big. The size (%1!ld! bytes) exceeds the maximum allowable size (%2!ld! bytes)
The synchronization sequence number stored in ml_user.commit_state is negative. Set this value to zero (0) to re-enable synchronizations for user '%1!s!'
The upload stream is too short: should be at least %1!d! bytes, but received %2!d! bytes
The user name '%1!s!' is already synchronizing. Concurrent synchronizations using the same user name are not allowed
There are no registered script versions. Unable to synchronize a client created prior to version 7.0.0
There is no download data script defined for table: %1!s!. If you want to be able to synchronize anyway, with the risk of potentially losing download data, use the -fr switch
There is no upload data script defined for table: %1!s!. If you want to be able to synchronize anyway, with the risk of potentially losing upload data, use the -fr switch
This connection will be abandoned due to previous errors
Too many bind parameters in script (expecting %1!ld! but found %2!ld!): %3!s!
Unable to COMMIT Transaction: %1!s! -- Attempting to ROLLBACK
Unable to ROLLBACK Transaction: %1!s!
Unable to allocate a connection
Unable to allocate an input/output cursor
Unable to authenticate user %1!s!
Unable to connect to the consolidated database. Aborting the synchronization
Unable to delete from table '%1!s!' using %2!s!
Unable to delete user name '%1!s!' from the ml_user_table
Unable to determine the remote user name
Unable to determine the remote user password
Unable to determine the remote version
Unable to execute script '%1!s!'
Unable to fetch from table '%1!s!' using %2!s!
Unable to flush scripts
Unable to generate scripts for version '%1!s!'
Unable to initialize ODBC
Unable to initialize authentication subsystem
Unable to initialize consolidated database interface
Unable to initialize the resource DLL '%1!s!'
Unable to insert into table '%1!s!' using %2!s!
Unable to insert user name '%1!s!' into the ml_user table
Unable to launch the command: (%1!s!). The system error code is %2!d!
Unable to load UNILIB collation %1!d!: error %2!d!
Unable to load UNILIB collation expansion factor: error %1!d!
Unable to load entry points from dll: '%1!s!'
Unable to open %1!s!
Unable to retry the current transaction after deadlock in the consolidated database. The retry limit has been reached
Unable to update table '%1!s!' using %2!s!
Unrecognized domain id %1!d!
Upload failed with client error %1!d!
User name '%1!s!' not found in the ml_user table
Version '%1!s!' not found in the ml_script_version table. Cannot synchronize
Version mismatch with dll : '%1!s!'\nExpected version: %2!d! got version: %3!d!

Contents Index MobiLink synchronization server error messages sorted message A downloaded value for table %1!s! (column #%2!ld!) was either too big or invalid for the remote schema type