Contents Index ODBC statement option %1!s! has changed from %2!s! (%3!lu!) to %4!s! (%5!lu!) Retry on deadlock is disabled. The MobiLink synchronization server is using an internal workaround which requires this setting

MobiLink Synchronization Reference
  MobiLink Synchronization Server Warning Messages
    MobiLink synchronization server warning descriptions

Publication '%1!s!' is not referenced by any table

Item Value
Warning code 10022
Level 3
Parameter 1 Publication name.
Probable cause 

The MobiLink synchronization client sends an upload stream that includes upload data as well as upload tables, publications, etc. All these publications must be referenced by at least one of the upload tables. If there are any publications that are not referenced by any upload table, the server will show this warning. If this happens, please contact technical support.

Contents Index ODBC statement option %1!s! has changed from %2!s! (%3!lu!) to %4!s! (%5!lu!) Retry on deadlock is disabled. The MobiLink synchronization server is using an internal workaround which requires this setting