Contents Index The consolidated and remote databases have different timestamp precisions. Consolidated database timestamps are precise to %1!d! digit(s) in the fractional second while the remote database timestamps are precise to %2!d! digit(s) The remote client's synchronization log ended prematurely, and was probably truncated

MobiLink Synchronization Reference
  MobiLink Synchronization Server Warning Messages
    MobiLink synchronization server warning descriptions

The remote and consolidated databases have different timestamp precisions, and a timestamp value with a precision higher than the lower-precision side was used for conflict detection purposes. Consider using the -zp option

Item Value
Warning code 10021
Level 3
Probable cause 

An upload conflict is detected based on a tolerable timestamp difference while the -zp switch is not used. If you decided not to align precision on the databases involved in your synchronization system, you may use the -zp swith to start the MobiLink synchronization server.

If the switch is used, MobiLink synchronization server will tolerate conflict caused by timestamp differences smaller than the lower precision among the two databases.

Contents Index The consolidated and remote databases have different timestamp precisions. Consolidated database timestamps are precise to %1!d! digit(s) in the fractional second while the remote database timestamps are precise to %2!d! digit(s) The remote client's synchronization log ended prematurely, and was probably truncated