Contents Index The timestamp precision mismatch may affect upload conflict detection. Use the -zp option to cause the MobiLink synchronization server to use the lowest timestamp precision for conflict detection purposes The upload will be committed and the synchronization aborted. The next time this remote synchronizes, it will ask what happened to the previous upload

MobiLink Synchronization Reference
  MobiLink Synchronization Server Warning Messages
    MobiLink synchronization server warning descriptions

The timestamp precision mismatch may be resolved by setting the DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_INCREMENT option on the remote database to %1!d! and TRUNCATE_TIMESTAMP_VALUES to 'On'

Item Value
Warning code 10018
Level 3
Parameter 1 Timestamp precision of the consolidated database in terms of number of decimal digits in the fractional second.
Probable cause 

This is an advisory on how to align timestamp precision by adjusting timestamp precision on the ASA client database or the ASA reference database for UltraLite clients. UltraLite clients need to be regenerated after the precision is adjusted.

Contents Index The timestamp precision mismatch may affect upload conflict detection. Use the -zp option to cause the MobiLink synchronization server to use the lowest timestamp precision for conflict detection purposes The upload will be committed and the synchronization aborted. The next time this remote synchronizes, it will ask what happened to the previous upload