Contents Index The upload will be rolled back and the synchronization aborted. The next time this remote synchronizes, it will ask what happened to the previous upload There is no download data script defined for table: %1!s!. Synchronization has the risk of potentially losing download data

MobiLink Synchronization Reference
  MobiLink Synchronization Server Warning Messages
    MobiLink synchronization server warning descriptions

The upload_cursor, new_row_cursor, and old_row_cursor scripts are deprecated. It is strongly recommended that you use the statement-based upload scripts instead

Item Value
Warning code 10052
Level 1
Probable cause 

The cursor-based upload scripts will not be supported in future releases of the MobiLink synchronization server. To avoid this warning, please convert all your cursor-based upload scripts into statement-based upload scripts.

Contents Index The upload will be rolled back and the synchronization aborted. The next time this remote synchronizes, it will ask what happened to the previous upload There is no download data script defined for table: %1!s!. Synchronization has the risk of potentially losing download data