Contents Index Unrecognized ODBC driver '%1!s!'. The functionality and quality of ODBC drivers varies greatly. This driver may lack functionality required for successful synchronizations. Use at your own risk Index

MobiLink Synchronization Reference
  MobiLink Synchronization Server Warning Messages
    MobiLink synchronization server warning descriptions

Unrecognized value (%1!ld!) in ml_user.commit_state. The state information for this user is probably corrupted

Item Value
Warning code 10011
Level 2
Parameter 1 The value of a commit state.
Probable cause 

The MobiLink synchronization server stores the last synchronization status for an UltraLite application in the commit_state column in the ml_user table. However, the server does not recognize the commit state fetched from the consolidated database. Please do not manually modify the values of the commit_state in ml_table.

Contents Index Unrecognized ODBC driver '%1!s!'. The functionality and quality of ODBC drivers varies greatly. This driver may lack functionality required for successful synchronizations. Use at your own risk Index