Contents Index Configuring data sources Connecting to a data source using a connection string

iAnywhere Solutions ODBC Drivers
  iAnywhere Solutions ODBC Driver for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise

Connecting to a data source using a logon dialog box

Some ODBC applications display a Logon dialog box when you are connecting to a data source. In these cases, the data source name has already been specified.

In this dialog box, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Network Library field, select the name of the network library. This specifies which network protocol to use. Valid values are Winsock and NamedPipes.

  2. In the Network Address field, type the network address, which depends on the network protocol chosen under Network Library and on the Adaptive Server Enterprise server. If you choose Winsock, specify an IP address as follows: servername-or-IP-address, port-number. For example, if your network supports named servers, you may specify an address such as Sybaseserver, 5000. You may also specify the IP address directly such as, 5000.

    If you have chosen NamedPipes as the network protocol, you must specify the pipe address of the server. For example, \\machine1\sybase\pipe\query.

  3. If required, type your case-sensitive login ID.

  4. If required, type your case-sensitive password for the system.

  5. In the Database field, type the name of the database you want to access (case-sensitive) or select the name from the Database drop-down list, which displays the names you specified in the Adaptive Server Enterprise Driver Setup dialog box.

  6. Click OK to complete the logon and to update the values in the system information.

Contents Index Configuring data sources Connecting to a data source using a connection string