Contents Index Using SQL in Applications Preparing statements

ASA Programming Guide
  Using SQL in Applications

Executing SQL statements in applications

The way you include SQL statements in your application depends on the application development tool and programming interface you use.

For more detailed information on how to include SQL in your application, see your development tool documentation. If you are using ODBC or JDBC, consult the software development kit for those interfaces.

For a detailed description of embedded SQL programming, see Embedded SQL Programming.

Applications inside the server 

In many ways, stored procedures and triggers act as applications or parts of applications running inside the server. You can use many of the techniques here in stored procedures also. Stored procedures use statements very similar to embedded SQL statements.

For more information about stored procedures and triggers, see Using Procedures, Triggers, and Batches.

Java classes in the database can use the JDBC interface in the same way as Java applications outside the server. This chapter discusses some aspects of JDBC. For other information on using JDBC, see JDBC Programming.

Contents Index Using SQL in Applications Preparing statements