Contents Index What is the Java API? Which Java classes are supported?

ASA Programming Guide
  Introduction to Java in the Database
    Java in the database Q & A

How do I access Java from SQL?

You can treat Java methods as stored provedures, which can be called from SQL.

For example, the SQL function PI(*) returns the value for pi. The Java API class java.lang.Math has a parallel field named PI returning the same value. But java.lang.Math also has a field named E that returns the base of the natural logarithms, as well as a method that computes the remainder operation on two arguments as prescribed by the IEEE 754 standard.

Other members of the Java API offer even more specialized functionality. For example, java.util.Stack generates a last-in, first-out queue that can store ordered lists; java.util.HashTable maps values to keys; java.util.StringTokenizer breaks a string of characters into individual word units.

Contents Index What is the Java API? Which Java classes are supported?