Contents Index Supported versions of Java and JDBC User-defined classes

ASA Programming Guide
  Introduction to Java in the Database
    The runtime environment for Java in the database

The runtime Java classes

The runtime Java classes are the low-level classes that are made available to a database when it is created or Java-enabled. These classes include a subset of the Java API. These classes are part of the Sun Java Development Kit.

The runtime classes provide basic functionality on which to build applications. The runtime classes are always available to classes in the database.

You can incorporate the runtime Java classes in your own user-created classes: either inheriting their functionality or using it within a calculation or operation in a method.


Some Java API classes included in the runtime Java classes include:

Unlike user-defined classes, the runtime classes are not stored in the database. Instead, they are stored in files in the java subdirectory of the Adaptive Server Anywhere installation directory.

User-defined classes

Contents Index Supported versions of Java and JDBC User-defined classes