Contents Index Use of import statements Public fields

ASA Programming Guide
  Introduction to Java in the Database
    The runtime environment for Java in the database

Using the CLASSPATH variable

Sun's Java runtime environment and the Sun JDK Java compiler use the CLASSPATH environment variable to locate classes referenced within Java code. A CLASSPATH variable provides the link between Java code and the actual file path or URL location of the classes being referenced. For example, import* allows all the classes in the package to be referenced without a fully qualified name. Only the class name is required in the following Java code to use classes from the package. The CLASSPATH environment variable on the system where the Java class declaration is to be compiled must include the location of the Java directory, the root of the package.

CLASSPATH ignored at runtime 

The CLASSPATH environment variable does not affect the Adaptive Server Anywhere runtime environment for Java during the execution of Java operations because the classes are stored in the database, instead of in external files or archives.

CLASSPATH used to install classes 

The CLASSPATH variable can, however, be used to locate a file during the installation of classes. For example, the following statement installs a user-created Java class to a database, but only specifies the name of the file, not its full path and name. (Note that this statement involves no Java operations.)

FROM FILE 'Invoice.class'

If the file specified is in a directory or zip file specified by the CLASSPATH environmental variable, Adaptive Server Anywhere will successfully locate the file and install the class.

Contents Index Use of import statements Public fields