Contents Index Managing the runtime environment for Java The Adaptive Server Anywhere runtime Java classes

ASA Programming Guide
  Using Java in the Database

Java-enabling a database

The Adaptive Server Anywhere Runtime environment for Java requires a Java VM and the Adaptive Server Anywhere runtime Java classes. You need to Java-enable a database for it to be able to use the runtime Java classes.

Java in the database is a separately-licensed component of SQL Anywhere Studio.

New databases are not Java-enabled by default 
By default, databases created with Adaptive Server Anywhere are not Java-enabled.

Java is a single-hierarchy language, meaning that all classes you create or use eventually inherit from one class. This means the low-level classes (classes further up in the hierarchy) must be present before you can use higher-level classes. The base set of classes required to run Java applications are the runtime Java classes, or the Java API.

When not to Java-enable a database 

Java-enabling a database adds many entries into the system tables. This adds to the size of the database and, more significantly, adds about 200K to the memory requirements for running the database, even if you do not use any Java functionality.

If you are not going to use Java, and if you are running in a limited-memory environment, you may wish to not Java-enable your database.

The Adaptive Server Anywhere runtime Java classes
Ways of Java-enabling a database
New databases and Java
Upgrading databases and Java
Java-enabling a database
Using Sybase Central to Java-enable a database

Contents Index Managing the runtime environment for Java The Adaptive Server Anywhere runtime Java classes