Contents Index Loading the jConnect driver Specifying a database on a server

ASA Programming Guide
  JDBC Programming
    Using the jConnect JDBC driver

Supplying a URL for the server

To connect to a database via jConnect, you need to supply a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for the database. An example given in the section Connecting from a JDBC client application using jConnect is as follows:

StringBuffer temp = new StringBuffer();
// Use the jConnect driver...
// to connect to the supplied machine name...
// on the default port number for ASA...
// and connect.
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(temp.toString() , _props );

The URL is put together in the following way:


The individual components are:

The connection string must be less than 253 characters in length.

Specifying a database on a server
Database options set for jConnect connections

Contents Index Loading the jConnect driver Specifying a database on a server