Contents Index Building the sample programs Static cursor sample

ASA Programming Guide
  Embedded SQL Programming
    Sample embedded SQL programs

Running the sample programs

The executable files are held in the Samples\ASA\C directory, together with the source code.

To run the static cursor sample program

  1. Start the program:

  2. Follow the on-screen instructions.

    The various commands manipulate a database cursor and print the query results on the screen. Type the letter of the command you wish to perform. Some systems may require you to press Enter after the letter.

To run the dynamic cursor sample program

  1. Start the program:

  2. Connect to a database:

  3. Choose a table:

  4. Follow the on-screen instructions.

    The various commands manipulate a database cursor and print the query results on the screen. Type the letter of the command you wish to perform. Some systems may require you to press Enter after the letter.

Windows samples 

The Windows versions of the example programs are real Windows programs. However, to keep the user interface code relatively simple, some simplifications have been made. In particular, these applications do not repaint their Windows on WM_PAINT messages except to reprint the prompt.

Contents Index Building the sample programs Static cursor sample