Contents Index alloc_sqlda_noind function db_cancel_request function

ASA Programming Guide
  Embedded SQL Programming
    Library function reference

db_backup function


void db_backup(
SQLCA * sqlca,
int op,
int file_num,
unsigned long page_num,
SQLDA * sqlda );


Must be connected to a user ID with DBA authority or REMOTE DBA authority (SQL Remote).

BACKUP statement is recommended 
Although this function provides one way to add backup features to an application, the recommended way to accomplish this task is to use the BACKUP statement. For more information, see BACKUP statement.

The action performed depends on the value of the op parameter:

The dbbackup program uses the following algorithm. Note that this is not C code, and does not include error checking.

db_backup( ... DB_BACKUP_START ... )
allocate page buffer based on page size in SQLCODE
sqlda = alloc_sqlda( 1 )
sqlda->sqld = 1;
sqlda->sqlvar[0].sqltype = DT_BINARY
sqlda->sqlvar[0].sqldata = allocated buffer
for file_num = 0 to DB_BACKUP_MAX_FILE
  db_backup( ... DB_BACKUP_OPEN_FILE, file_num ... )
    /* The file exists */
    num_pages = SQLCOUNT
    file_time = SQLE_IO_ESTIMATE
    open backup file with name from sqlca.sqlerrmc
    for page_num = 0 to num_pages - 1
      db_backup( ... DB_BACKUP_READ_PAGE,
                file_num, page_num, sqlda )
      write page buffer out to backup file
    next page_num
    close backup file
    db_backup( ... DB_BACKUP_CLOSE_FILE, file_num ... )
  end if
next file_num
backup up file DB_BACKUP_WRITE_FILE as above
backup up file DB_BACKUP_TRANS_LOG_FILE as above
free page buffer
db_backup( ... DB_BACKUP_END ... )

Contents Index alloc_sqlda_noind function db_cancel_request function