Contents Index Using an ODBC Driver Manager on UNIX Building the sample ODBC program

ASA Programming Guide
  ODBC Programming

ODBC samples

Several ODBC samples are included with Adaptive Server Anywhere. You can find the samples in the Samples\ASA subdirectory of your SQL Anywhere directory. By default, this is

C:\Program Files\Sybase\SQL Anywhere 9\Samples\ASA

The samples in directories starting with ODBC illustrate separate and simple ODBC tasks, such as connecting to a database and executing statements. A complete sample ODBC program is supplied as Samples\ASA\C\odbc.c. The program performs the same actions as the embedded SQL dynamic cursor example program that is in the same directory.

For a description of the associated embedded SQL program, see Sample embedded SQL programs.

Building the sample ODBC program
Running the sample ODBC program

Contents Index Using an ODBC Driver Manager on UNIX Building the sample ODBC program