ASA Programming Guide
ODBC Programming
Executing SQL statements
The SQLExecDirect function prepares and executes a SQL statement. The statement may be optionally include parameters.
The following code fragment illustrates how to execute a statement without parameters. The SQLExecDirect function takes a statement handle, a SQL string, and a length or termination indicator, which in this case is a null-terminated string indicator.
The procedure described in this section is straightforward but inflexible. The application cannot take any input from the user to modify the statement. For a more flexible method of constructing statements, see Executing statements with bound parameters.
To execute a SQL statement in an ODBC application
Allocate a handle for the statement using SQLAllocHandle.
For example, the following statement allocates a handle of type SQL_HANDLE_STMT
with name stmt
, on a connection with handle dbc
SQLAllocHandle( SQL_HANDLE_STMT, dbc, &stmt );
Call the SQLExecDirect function to execute the statement:
For example, the following lines declare a statement and execute it. The declaration of deletestmt
would usually occur at the beginning of the function:
SQLCHAR deletestmt[ STMT_LEN ] = "DELETE FROM department WHERE dept_id = 201"; SQLExecDirect( stmt, deletestmt, SQL_NTS) ;
For a complete sample with error checking, see Samples\ASA\ODBCExecute\odbcexecute.cpp.
For more information on SQLExecDirect, see SQLExecDirect in the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference.