Contents Index Choosing a cursor characteristics Updating and deleting rows through a cursor

ASA Programming Guide
  ODBC Programming
    Working with result sets

Retrieving data

To retrieve rows from a database, you execute a SELECT statement using SQLExecute or SQLExecDirect. This opens a cursor on the statement. You then use SQLFetch or SQLExtendedFetch to fetch rows through the cursor. When an application free the statement using SQLFreeHandle it closes the cursor.

To fetch values from a cursor, your application can use either SQLBindCol or SQLGetData. If you use SQLBindCol, values are automatically retrieved on each fetch. If you use SQLGetData, you must call it for each column after each fetch.

SQLGetData is used to fetch values in pieces for columns such as LONG VARCHAR or LONG BINARY. As an alternative, you can set the SQL_MAX_LENGTH statement attribute to a value large enough to hold the entire value for the column. The default value for SQL_ATTR_MAX_LENGTH is 256 kb.

The following code fragment opens a cursor on a query and retrieves data through the cursor. Error checking has been omitted to make the example easier to read. The fragment is taken from a complete sample, which can be found at Samples\ASA\ODBCSelect\odbcselect.cpp.

SQLINTEGER cbDeptID = 0, cbDeptName = SQL_NTS, cbManagerID = 0;
SQLSMALLINT deptID, managerID;
SQLHENV   env;
SQLHDBC   dbc;
SQLRETURN retcode;
SQLSetEnvAttr( env, 
            (void*)SQL_OV_ODBC3, 0);
SQLAllocHandle( SQL_HANDLE_DBC, env, &dbc );
SQLConnect( dbc,
            (SQLCHAR*) "ASA 9.0 Sample", SQL_NTS,
            (SQLCHAR*) "DBA", SQL_NTS,
            (SQLCHAR*) "SQL", SQL_NTS );
SQLAllocHandle( SQL_HANDLE_STMT, dbc, &stmt );
SQLBindCol( stmt, 1, 
            SQL_C_SSHORT, &deptID, 0, &cbDeptID);
SQLBindCol( stmt, 2, 
            SQL_C_CHAR, deptname, 
            sizeof(deptname), &cbDeptName);
SQLBindCol( stmt, 3, 
            SQL_C_SSHORT, &managerID, 0, &cbManagerID);
SQLExecDirect( stmt, (SQLCHAR * )
"SELECT dept_id, dept_name, dept_head_id FROM DEPARTMENT "
               "ORDER BY dept_id", SQL_NTS );
while( ( retcode = SQLFetch( stmt ) ) != SQL_NO_DATA ){
   printf( "%d %20s %d\n", deptID, deptname, managerID );
SQLFreeHandle( SQL_HANDLE_STMT, stmt );
SQLDisconnect( dbc );
SQLFreeHandle( SQL_HANDLE_DBC, dbc );
SQLFreeHandle( SQL_HANDLE_ENV, env );

The number of row positions you can fetch in a cursor is governed by the size of an integer. You can fetch rows numbered up to number 2147483646, which is one less than the value that can be held in an integer. When using negative numbers (rows from the end) you can fetch down to one more than the largest negative value that can be held in an integer.

Contents Index Choosing a cursor characteristics Updating and deleting rows through a cursor