Contents Index a_table_info structure a_truncate_log structure

ASA Programming Guide
  The Database Tools Interface
    DBTools structures

a_translate_log structure


Holds information needed for transaction log translation using the DBTools library.


typedef struct a_translate_log {
unsigned short       version;
const char *           logname;
const char *           sqlname;
p_name               userlist;
MSG_CALLBACK   confirmrtn;
MSG_CALLBACK   errorrtn;
MSG_CALLBACK   msgrtn;
char                   userlisttype;

a_bit_field            remove_rollback : 1;
a_bit_field            ansi_SQL    : 1;
a_bit_field            since_checkpoint: 1;
a_bit_field            omit_comments   : 1;
a_bit_field            replace        : 1;
a_bit_field            debug        : 1;
a_bit_field            include_trigger_trans : 1;
a_bit_field            comment_trigger_trans : 1;
unsigned long       since_time;
const char _fd_ *      reserved_1;
const char _fd_ *      reserved_2;
a_sql_uint32           debug_dump_size;

a_bit_field            debug_sql_remote        : 1;
a_bit_field            debug_dump_hex          : 1;
a_bit_field            debug_dump_char         : 1;
a_bit_field            debug_page_offsets      : 1;
a_bit_field            reserved_3              : 1;
a_bit_field            use_hex_offsets         : 1;
a_bit_field            use_relative_offsets    : 1;
a_bit_field            include_audit           : 1;
a_bit_field            chronological_order     : 1;
a_bit_field            force_recovery          : 1;
a_bit_field            include_subsets         : 1;
a_bit_field            force_chaining          : 1;
a_sql_uint32           recovery_ops;
a_sql_uint32           recovery_bytes;

const char _fd_ *      include_source_sets;
const char _fd_ *      include_destination_sets;
const char _fd_ *      include_scan_range;
const char _fd_ *      repserver_users;
const char _fd_ *      include_tables;
const char _fd_ *      include_publications;
const char _fd_ *      queueparms;
a_bit_field            generate_reciprocals    :1;
a_bit_field            match_mode              :1;
const char _fd_ *      match_pos;
MSG_CALLBACK     statusrtn;
const char _fd_ *      encryption_key;
a_bit_field            show_undo               :1;
const char _fd_ *      logs_dir;
} a_translate_log;


The parameters correspond to features accessible from the dbtran command-line utility.

See the dbtools.h header file for additional comments.

See also 

DBTranslateLog function

a_name structure

dbtran_userlist_type enumeration

For more information on callback functions, see Using callback functions.

Contents Index a_table_info structure a_truncate_log structure