Contents Index a_validate_db structure DBTools enumeration types

ASA Programming Guide
  The Database Tools Interface
    DBTools structures

a_writefile structure


Holds information needed for database write file management using the DBTools library.


typedef struct a_writefile {
unsigned short      version;
const char *         writename;
const char *         wlogname;
const char *         dbname;
const char *         forcename;
MSG_CALLBACK      confirmrtn;
MSG_CALLBACK      errorrtn;
MSG_CALLBACK      msgrtn;
char            action;
a_bit_field         quiet   : 1;
a_bit_field         erase   : 1;
a_bit_field         force   : 1;
a_bit_field         mirrorname_present   : 1;
const char *          wlogmirrorname;
a_bit_field         make_log_and_mirror_names: 1;
const char *         encryption_key;
} a_writefile;

Member Description
version DBTools version number
writename Write file name
wlogname Used only when creating write files
dbname Used when changing and creating write files
forcename Forced file name reference
confirmrtn Callback routine for confirming an action. Only used when creating a write file
errorrtn Callback routine for handling an error message
msgrtn Callback routine for handling an information message
action Reserved for use by Sybase
quiet Operate without printing messages (1), or print messages (0)
erase Used for creating write files only. Erase without confirmation (1) or with confirmation (0)
force If 1, force the write file to point to a named file
mirrorname_present Used when creating only. Set to 1. Indicates that the version of DBTools is recent enough to support the mirrorname field
wlogmirrorname Name of the transaction log mirror
make_log_and_mirror_names If TRUE, use the values in wlogname and wlogmirrorname to determine filenames.
encryption_key The encryption key for the database file.
See also 

DBChangeWriteFile function

DBCreateWriteFile function

DBStatusWriteFile function

For more information on callback functions, see Using callback functions.

Contents Index a_validate_db structure DBTools enumeration types