Contents Index Updating data through a cursor Supported OLE DB interfaces

ASA Programming Guide
  The OLE DB and ADO Programming Interfaces
    ADO programming with Adaptive Server Anywhere

Using transactions

By default, any change you make to the database using ADO is committed as soon as it is executed. This includes explicit updates, as well as the UpdateBatch method on a Recordset. However, the previous section illustrated that you can use the BeginTrans and RollbackTrans or CommitTrans methods on the Connection object to use transactions.

Transaction isolation level is set as a property of the Connection object. The IsolationLevel property can take on one of the following values:

ADO isolation level Constant ASA level
Unspecified adXactUnspecified Not applicable. Set to 0
Chaos adXactChaos Unsupported. Set to 0
Browse adXactBrowse 0
Read uncommitted adXactReadUncommitted 0
Cursor stability adXactCursorStability 1
Read committed adXactReadCommitted 1
Repeatable read adXactRepeatableRead 2
Isolated adXactIsolated 3
Serializable adXactSerializable 3

For more information on isolation levels, see Isolation levels and consistency.

Contents Index Updating data through a cursor Supported OLE DB interfaces