Contents Index AsaParameter class AsaDbType property

ASA Programming Guide
  Adaptive Server Anywhere .NET Data Provider API Reference
    AsaParameter class

AsaParameter constructors

Syntax 1 

void AsaParameter( )

Syntax 2 

void AsaParameter(
string parameterName,
object value

Syntax 3 

void AsaParameter(
string parameterName,
AsaDbType dbType

Syntax 4 

void AsaParameter(
string parameterName,
AsaDbType dbType,
int size

Syntax 5 

void AsaParameter(
string parameterName,
AsaDbType dbType,
int size,
string sourceColumn

Syntax 6 

void AsaParameter(
string parameterName,
AsaDbType dbType,
int size,
ParameterDirection direction,
bool isNullable,
byte precision,
byte scale,
string sourceColumn,
DataRowVersion sourceVersion,
object value


value    An Object that is the value of the parameter.

size    The length of the parameter.

sourceColumn    The name of the source column to map.

parameterName    The name of the parameter.

dbType    One of the AsaDbType values.

direction    One of the ParameterDirection values.

isNullable    True if the value of the field can be null; otherwise, false.

precision    The total number of digits to the left and right of the decimal point to which Value is resolved.

scale    The total number of decimal places to which Value is resolved.

sourceVersion    One of the DataRowVersion values.

Contents Index AsaParameter class AsaDbType property