Contents Index DECIMAL data type [Numeric] FLOAT data type [Numeric]

ASA SQL Reference
  SQL Data Types
    Numeric data types

DOUBLE data type [Numeric]


A double-precision floating-point number.




The DOUBLE data type holds a double-precision floating point number. An approximate numeric data type, it is subject to rounding errors after arithmetic operations. The approximate nature of DOUBLE values means that queries using equalities should generally be avoided when comparing DOUBLE values.

DOUBLE values require 8 bytes of storage.

The value range is 2.22507385850721e-308 to 1.79769313486231e+308. Values held as DOUBLE are accurate to 15 significant digits, but may be subject to round-off error beyond the fifteenth digit.

Standards and compatibility 
See also 

FLOAT data type [Numeric]

REAL data type [Numeric]

DECIMAL data type [Numeric]

Contents Index DECIMAL data type [Numeric] FLOAT data type [Numeric]