Contents Index Sending dates and times to the database Retrieving dates and times from the database

ASA SQL Reference
  SQL Data Types
    Date and time data types
      Sending dates and times to the database

Transact-SQL compatibility of string-to-date/time conversions

There are some differences in behavior between Adaptive Server Anywhere and Adaptive Server Enterprise, when converting strings to date and time data types.

If a string containing only a time value (no date) is converted to a date/time data type, Adaptive Server Enterprise uses a default date of January 1, 1900, but Adaptive Server Anywhere uses the current date.

If the fraction portion of a time is less than 3 digits Adaptive Server Enterprise interprets the value differently depending on whether it was preceded by a period or a colon. If preceded by a colon, the value means thousandths of a second. If preceded by a period, one digit means tenths, two digits mean hundredths, and three digits mean thousandths. Adaptive Server Anywhere interprets the value the same way, regardless of the separator.


Adaptive Server Enterprise converts the values below as shown. The second line in each pair differs in the use of a colon rather than a period.

12:34:56.7 to 12:34:56.700
12:34:56:7 to 12:34:56.007 to 12:34:56.780
12.34.56:78 to 12:34:56.078
12:34:56.789 to 12:34:56.789
12:34:56:789 to 12:34:56.789

Adaptive Server Anywhere converts the milliseconds value in the manner that Adaptive Server Enterprise does for values preceded by a period, in both cases:

12:34:56.7 to 12:34:56.700
12:34:56:7 to 12:34:56.700 to 12:34:56.780
12.34.56:78 to 12:34:56.780
12:34:56.789 to 12:34:56.789
12:34:56:789 to 12:34:56.789

Contents Index Sending dates and times to the database Retrieving dates and times from the database