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ASA SQL Reference
  SQL Statements



Use this statement to add a user-defined message to the SYSUSERMESSAGES system table for use by PRINT and RAISERROR statements.


CREATE MESSAGE message-number AS message-text

message-number :  integer

message-text :    string


message_number    The message number of the message to add. The message number for a user-defined message must be 20000 or greater.

message_text    The text of the message to add. The maximum length is 255 bytes. PRINT and RAISERROR recognize placeholders in the message text. A single message can contain up to 20 unique placeholders in any order. These placeholders are replaced with the formatted contents of any arguments that follow the message when the text of the message is sent to the client.

The placeholders are numbered to allow reordering of the arguments when translating a message to a language with a different grammatical structure. A placeholder for an argument appears as "%nn!": a percent sign (%), followed by an integer from 1 to 20, followed by an exclamation mark (!), where the integer represents the position of the argument in the argument list. "%1!" is the first argument, "%2!" is the second argument, and so on.

There is no parameter corresponding to the language argument for sp_addmessage.


CREATE MESSAGE associates a message number with a message string. The message number can be used in PRINT and RAISERROR statements.

To drop a message, see DROP statement.


Must have RESOURCE authority

Side effects 

Automatic commit.

See also 

PRINT statement [T-SQL]

RAISERROR statement [T-SQL]

Standards and compatibility 

Contents Index CREATE INDEX statement CREATE PROCEDURE statement