Contents Index SET OPTION statement SET REMOTE OPTION statement [SQL Remote]

ASA SQL Reference
  SQL Statements

SET OPTION statement [Interactive SQL]


Use this statement to change the values of Interactive SQL options.

Syntax 1 

   [ userid. | PUBLIC. ]option-name = [ option-value ]

userid :    identifierstring or hostvar

option-name :  identifierstring or hostvar

option-value : hostvar (indicator allowed), stringidentifier, or number

Syntax 2 


Syntax 3 



SET PERMANENT (syntax 2) stores all current Interactive SQL options in the SYSOPTIONS system table. These settings are automatically established every time Interactive SQL is started for the current user ID.

Syntax 3 displays all of the current option settings. If there are temporary options set for Interactive SQL or the database server, these will be displayed; otherwise, the permanent option settings are displayed.

See Also 

Interactive SQL options

Contents Index SET OPTION statement SET REMOTE OPTION statement [SQL Remote]