Contents Index SYSARTICLECOL system table SYSATTRIBUTENAME system table

ASA SQL Reference
  System Tables

SYSATTRIBUTE system table

Maintaining accurate statistics about the physical properties of candidate indexes facilitates the optimizer's cost based decisions about which indexes to use. SYSATTRIBUTE and SYSATTRIBUTENAME were created so that new information about database objects could be added to the system tables without changing the schema. For version 8.0.1 and later, they only contain information about the attribute PCTFREE, which applies to tables.

Each row of SYSATTRIBUTE describes one system object, such as a particular table or index. Rows are added when the attribute is specified; for example, every table with a PCTFREE setting is added to SYSATTRIBUTE. Similarly, a row for index depth appears in SYSATTRIBUTE only when the index depth increases to 2.

Statistics are maintained for all indexes, including those on catalog tables, as each index is updated. The VALIDATE statement verifies that the statistics on the specified index(es) are accurate and generates an error if they are not. This provides accurate statistics to the optimizer at virtually no performance cost. Statistics persist in SYSATTRIBUTE in the form of one row for each statistic for an index.

object_type object_id attribute_id (from SYSATTRIBUTENAME sub_object_id1 sub_object_id2 attribute_value
PCTFREE T table_id NULL NULL percentage of free space left in each table page
Clustered Index T table_id 2 ubdex)bynber NULL NULL
Number of distinct key values I table_id 3 NULL NULL number of distinct key values
number of leaf pages I table_id 4 index_number NULL number of leaf pages
index depth I table_id 5 index_number NULL index depth

Columns in the SYSATTRIBUTE table exhibit the following characteristics:

Column name Column type Column constraint
object_type CHAR(1) NOT NULL
sub_object_id1 UNSIGNED INT
sub_object_id2 UNSIGNED INT
attribute_value LONG VARCHAR

object_type    The type of object the attribute describes. For example, T represents a table, I an index. Object type information can be obtained by executing SELECT * FROM SYSATTRIBUTENAME.

object_id    The id of the particular object. Object id information can be obtained from the table_id column after executing SELECT * FROM SYSTABLE.

attribute_id    The number representing the attribute that is being described. A descriptive name for each attribute ID is stored in SYSATTRIBUTENAME.

sub_object_id1    Additional information about the attribute, or NULL if there is none.

sub_object_id2    Additional information about the attribute, or NULL if there is none.

attribute_value    The value of the attribute.

Contents Index SYSARTICLECOL system table SYSATTRIBUTENAME system table