Contents Index SYSOPTSTAT system table SYSPROCPARM system table

ASA SQL Reference
  System Tables

SYSPROCEDURE system table

Column name Column type Column constraint Table constraints
proc_id UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL Primary key
creator UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL Unique index on this column and proc_name. Foreign key references SYSUSERPERM.user_id
proc_name CHAR(128) NOT NULL Unique index on this column and creator.
proc_defn LONG VARCHAR
replicate CHAR(1) NOT NULL
srvid INTEGER Foreign key references SYSSERVERS
avg_num_rows FLOAT
avg_cost FLOAT

Each procedure in the database is described by one row in SYSPROCEDURE.

proc_id    Each procedure is assigned a unique number (the procedure number), which is the primary key for SYSPROCEDURE.

creator    This user number identifies the owner of the procedure. The name of the user can be found by looking in SYSUSERPERM.

proc_name    The name of the procedure. One creator cannot have two procedures with the same name.

proc_defn    The command that was used to create the procedure.

remarks    A comment string.

replicate    (Y/N) Indicates whether the procedure is a primary data source in a Replication Server installation.

srvid    If a procedure on a remote database server, indicates the remote server.

source    This column contains the original source for the procedure if the preserve_source_format option is ON. It is used to maintain the appearance of the original text. For more information, see PRESERVE_SOURCE_FORMAT option [database].

avg_num_rows    Information collected for use in query optimization when the procedure appears in the FROM clause.

avg_cost     Information collected for use in query optimization when the procedure appears in the FROM clause.

stats    Information collected for use in query optimization when the procedure appears in the FROM clause.

Contents Index SYSOPTSTAT system table SYSPROCPARM system table