Contents Index SYSREMOTEUSER system table SYSSERVERS system table

ASA SQL Reference
  System Tables

SYSSCHEDULE system table

Column name Column type Column constraint Table constraints
event_id INTEGER NOT NULL Primary key
sched_name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL Primary key
start_time TIME NOT NULL
stop_time TIME
start_date DATE
days_of_week TINYINT
days_of_month UNSIGNED INT
interval_units CHAR(10)
interval_amt INTEGER

Each row in SYSSCHEDULE describes the times at which an event is to fire, as specified by the SCHEDULE clause of CREATE EVENT.

event_ id    The unique number assigned to each event.

sched_name    The name associated with a schedule.

recurring (0/1)    Indicates if the schedule is repeating.

start_time    The schedule start time.

stop_time    The schedule stop time if BETWEEN was used.

start_date    The first date on which the event is scheduled to execute.

days_of_week    A bit mask indicating the days of the week on which the event is scheduled:

days_of_month    A bit mask indicating the days of the month on which the event is scheduled:

interval_units    The interval unit specified by EVERY:

interval_amt    The period specified by EVERY.

Contents Index SYSREMOTEUSER system table SYSSERVERS system table