Contents Index SYSSUBSCRIPTION system table SYSTABLE system table

ASA SQL Reference
  System Tables

SYSSYNC system table

Column name Column type Column constraint Table constraints
sync_id UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL Primary key
publication_id UNSIGNED INT
progress NUMERIC(20,0)
site_name CHAR(128)
server_connect LONG VARCHAR
server_conn_type LONG VARCHAR
last_download_time TIMESTAMP
last_upload_time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL default 'jan-1-1900;
created NUMERIC( 20, 0)
log_sent NUMERIC(20,0)
generation_number INTEGER NOT NULL default 0
extended_state VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL default ''

This table contains information relating to MobiLink synchronization. Some columns in this table contain potentially sensitive data. For that reason, access to this table is restricted to users with DBA authority. The SYSSYNC2 view provides public access to the data in this table except for the potentially sensitive columns.

sync_id    A SMALLINT field uniquely identifying the row.

type    A CHAR(1) field describing the type of synchronization object: 'D' means definition, 'T' means template, and 'S' means site.

publication_id    A publication_id found in the SYSPUBLICATIONS table.

progress    The log offset of the last successful upload.

site_name    A CHAR(128) field that holds a MobiLink user id.

option    A LONG VARCHAR that holds any synchronization options.

server_connect    A LONG VARCHAR field that holds the address or URL of the MobiLink synchronization server.

server_conn_type    A LONG VARCHAR field identifying the communication protocol, such as TCP/IP, to use when synchronizing.

last_download_time    A TIMESTAMP field that indicates the last time a download stream was received from the MobiLink synchronization server.

last_upload_time    A TIMESTAMP field that indicates the last time (measured at the MobiLink synchronization server) that information was successfully uploaded.

created    The log offset at which the subscription was created.

log_sent    The log progress up to which information has been uploaded. It is not necessary that an acknowledgement of the upload be received for the entry in this column to be updated.

generation_number    For file-base downloads, the last generation number received for this subscription.

extended_state    Reserved for internal use.

Contents Index SYSSUBSCRIPTION system table SYSTABLE system table