Contents Index SYSTRIGGER system table SYSUSERMESSAGES system table

ASA SQL Reference
  System Tables

SYSTYPEMAP system table

Column name Column type Column constraint Table constraints
ss_user_type SMALLINT NOT NULL
sa_domain_id SMALLINT NOT NULL Foreign key references SYSDOMAIN
sa_user_type SMALLINT
nullable CHAR(1)

The SYSTYPEMAP system table contains the compatibility mapping values for the SYSSQLSERVERTYPE system table.

ss_user_type    Contains the Adaptive Server Enterprise user type.

sa_domain_id    Contains the Adaptive Server Anywhere 6.0 domain_id.

sa_user_type    Contains the Adaptive Server Anywhere 6.0 user type.

nullable    This field describes whether or not the type can or cannot be null.

Contents Index SYSTRIGGER system table SYSUSERMESSAGES system table