Contents Index sa_migrate_data system procedure sa_procedure_profile system procedure

ASA SQL Reference
  System Procedures and Functions
    System and catalog stored procedures

sa_migrate_drop_proxy_tables system procedure


Drops the proxy tables that were created for migration purposes.


sa_migrate_drop_proxy_tables ( local_table_owner )



Side effects 


See also 

sa_migrate system procedure

sa_migrate_create_remote_table_list system procedure

sa_migrate_create_tables system procedure

sa_migrate_data system procedure

sa_migrate_create_remote_fks_list system procedure

sa_migrate_create_fks system procedure

Migrating databases to Adaptive Server Anywhere


The sa_migrate_drop_proxy_tables stored procedure is used with the other migration stored procedures. These procedures must be executed in the following order:

  1. sa_migrate_create_remote_table_list

  2. sa_migrate_create_tables

  3. sa_migrate_data

  4. sa_migrate_create_remote_fks_list

  5. sa_migrate_create_fks

  6. sa_migrate_drop_proxy_tables

This procedure drops the proxy tables that were created for the migration. The user who owns these proxy tables is specified by the local_table_owner argument.

If the migrated tables are not all owned by the same user on the target Adaptive Server Anywhere database, you must call this procedure for each user in order to drop all the proxy tables.

As an alternative, you can migrate all tables in one step using the sa_migrate system procedure.


local_table_owner    The user on the target Adaptive Server Anywhere database who owns the proxy tables. This user is created using the GRANT CONNECT statement. A value is required for this parameter.

For more information, see GRANT statement.


The following statement drops the proxy tables on the target Adaptive Server Anywhere database that belong to the user local_a.

CALL sa_migrate_drop_proxy_tables( 'local_a' )

Contents Index sa_migrate_data system procedure sa_procedure_profile system procedure