Contents Index sa_table_page_usage system procedure sp_login_environment system procedure

ASA SQL Reference
  System Procedures and Functions
    System and catalog stored procedures

sa_validate system procedure


Validates all tables in a database.


sa_validate [ tbl_name, ] [ owner_name, ] [ check_type ]


DBA authority required

Side effects 



This procedure is equivalent to calling the VALIDATE TABLE statement for each table in the database.

For information, see VALIDATE TABLE statement.

tbl_name    Validate only the specified table. When NULL (the default), validate all tables.

owner_name    Validate only the tables owned by the specified user. When NULL (the default), validate tables for all users.

check_type    When NULL (the default), each table is checked using a VALIDATE TABLE statement with no additional checks. The check_type value can be one of the following:

All of the values for the tbl_name, owner_name, and check_type arguments are strings and they must be enclosed in quotes.

The procedure returns a single column, named Messages. If all tables are valid, the column contains No errors detected.


The following statement validates all of the tables owned by the DBA with an index check:

CALL sa_validate (owner_name = 'DBA', check_type = 'index')

Contents Index sa_table_page_usage system procedure sp_login_environment system procedure