Contents Index Extended stored procedures for MAPI and SMTP xp_startsmtp system procedure

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      Extended stored procedures for MAPI and SMTP

xp_startmail system procedure


Starts an e-mail session under MAPI.


[ [ variable = ] CALL ] xp_startmail (

mail_user = mail-login-name ]

[, mail_password = mail-password ]



Not supported on NetWare.


xp_startmail is a system stored procedure that starts an e-mail session.

The mail-login-name and mail-password values are strings containing the MAPI login name and password to be used in the mail session.

If you are using Microsoft Exchange, the mail_login_name argument is an Exchange profile name, and you should not include a password in the procedure call.

Return codes 

The xp_startmail system procedure issues one of the following return codes:

Return code Meaning
0 Success
2 xp_startmail failed
3 xp_stopmail failed
5 xp_sendmail failed
11 Ambiguous recipients
12 Attachment not found
13 Disk full
14 Failure
15 Invalid session
16 Text too large
17 Too many files
18 Too many recipients
19 Unknown recipient
20 Login failure
21 Too many sessions
22 User abort
23 No MAPI
24 xp_startmail not called (xp_sendmail and xp_stopmail only)

Contents Index Extended stored procedures for MAPI and SMTP xp_startsmtp system procedure