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SQL Anywhere Studio Security Guide

Operating system installation

This page describes operation of Adaptive Server Anywhere in a manner equivalent to a C2-security-certified configuration. It does not provide general-purpose information on the topic.

The first step in creating a C2 certified configuration involves installing and setting up the operating system.

To install and set up the operating system

  1. Install Windows NT 4.0 in the C2 certified configuration (including Service Pack 6a and the C2 security hotfix), as specified in the Microsoft Windows NT C2 Administrator's and User's Security Guide, Chapter 4.

  2. Log in to Windows NT as Administrator.

  3. From the Start menu, choose Programs > Administrative Tools (Common) > User Manager for Domains.

  4. Using the User Manager, create a user called sybase.

  5. From the Policies menu, choose User Rights.

  6. Check the Show Advanced User Rights checkbox, and then select Log On As A Service from the Right dropdown list.

  7. Click Add.

    A dialog appears.

  8. In the List Names From dropdown list, select \\machine_name.

  9. In the Add Names field, type sybase, and click OK.

  10. Click OK to close the dialog.

  11. If you wish to audit logons and logoffs of users (which can help in correlating Adaptive Server Anywhere audit records with Windows NT users) choose Policies > Auditing, and:

  12. Close the User Manager (optional).

Contents Index Hardware installation Adaptive Server Anywhere software installation