Contents Index Audit records Table 6.3 - Format of audit records - variable by type

SQL Anywhere Studio Security Guide
    Audit records

Table 6.2 - Format of audit records - fixed

This page describes operation of Adaptive Server Anywhere in a manner equivalent to a C2-security-certified configuration. It does not provide general-purpose information on the topic.

Type Format
Transaction redo header 1 byte
Connection identifier 3 bytes
date / time 11 bytes:
  • 2 bytes    year (for example, 1998)

  • 1 byte    month (1-12)

  • 1 byte    day (1-31)

  • 1 byte    hour (0-23)

  • 1 byte    minute (0-59)

  • 1 byte    second (0-59)

  • 4 bytes    microsecond (0-999999)

Audit type 1 byte

Contents Index Audit records Table 6.3 - Format of audit records - variable by type