Contents Index Connecting to the Adaptive Server Anywhere Service The Adaptive Server Anywhere C2 Patch

SQL Anywhere Studio Security Guide
  Connecting to the Adaptive Server Anywhere Service

Connecting to the Adaptive Server Anywhere service

This page describes operation of Adaptive Server Anywhere in a manner equivalent to a C2-security-certified configuration. It does not provide general-purpose information on the topic.

Once the Adaptive Server Anywhere service has been started, users can use dbisqlc to connect to the engine and execute SQL statements. There are two ways to tell dbisqlc how to connect:

  1. You can use the -c switch and specify a connection string containing a list of parameters that tell dbisqlc which engine and database to connect to, and how to find it. For example, if your engine is named asademo, you can connect to it using:

    dbisqlc -c "ENG=asademo;LINKS=namedpipes;INT=YES

    LINKS=namedpipes tells dbisqlc to use named pipes to connect to the engine, and INT=YES tells dbisqlc to use the integrated login facility.

  2. You can simply start dbisqlc, and fill in the fields on the connection dialog. Note that you must select the Use integrated login option on the Login tab, you must enter an engine name on the Database tab, and you must check the Named pipes checkbox on the Network tab.

Contents Index Connecting to the Adaptive Server Anywhere Service The Adaptive Server Anywhere C2 Patch