Contents Index The Adaptive Server Anywhere C2 Patch More Information

SQL Anywhere Studio Security Guide
  The Adaptive Server Anywhere C2 Patch

The Adaptive Server Anywhere C2 patch

This page describes operation of Adaptive Server Anywhere in a manner equivalent to a C2-security-certified configuration. It does not provide general-purpose information on the topic.

The Adaptive Server Anywhere C2 Patch contains two DLLs, three batch files, and one text file. This section describes each file in the patch.

This section describes the C2 patch to the Adaptive Server Anywhere 7.0.0 release. It does not apply when running the current software in a manner equivalent to the C2-certified environment.

File Description
dblgen7.dll Contains English language strings used by the Adaptive Server Anywhere engine and tools. This file contains the auditing string used by dbbackup to audit the use of the -xo switch.
dbtool7.dll Used by all of the database utilities, as well as dbisqlc.exe. This file contains a fix to dbbackup to audit the truncation of the transaction log.
mdac1.bat This batch file creates a temporary directory and copies fourteen .dll files and one .exe from the C:\winnt\system32 directory into the temporary directory. The Adaptive Server Anywhere installation will replace these files, and they must be copied before Adaptive Server Anywhere installation so they can be restored after.
mdac2.bat This batch file copies the files from the temporary directory created by mdac1.bat into the C:\winnt\system32 directory, overwriting those installed by Adaptive Server Anywhere. One of the files is in use by the operating system, so it is renamed before the file copy.
mdac3.bat This batch file deletes the file that was renamed by mdac2.bat, as well as the temporary directory created by mdac1.bat.
readme.txt This file contains instructions for installing the .dll files included in the patch.

Contents Index The Adaptive Server Anywhere C2 Patch More Information