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SQL Anywhere Studio Security Guide
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This page describes operation of Adaptive Server Anywhere in a manner equivalent to a C2-security-certified configuration. It does not provide general-purpose information on the topic.

Subject Source
Auditing Keeping Your Data Secure
Connection parameters For a list, run dbdsn -cl or see Client/Server Communications.
Database options Database Options
dbinit, dblog, dbtran, dbisqlc, dbbackup and other administrative utilities Database Administration Utilities
dbsvc utility The Service Creation utility
Engine / server switches The Database Server
Integrated login Connecting to a Database
Java in the Database Introduction to Java in the Database and Using Java in the Database
Procedures, Functions, Triggers Using Procedures, Triggers, and Batches
Security tips Keeping Your Data Secure
Tables, Views Working with Database Objects
The GRANT and REVOKE SQL statements SQL Statements
The transaction log file Backup and Data Recovery
User IDs and permissions Managing User IDs and Permissions

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