Contents Index Ensuring TEMPDB is large enough The SQL Remote system objects

SQL Remote User's Guide
  Setting Up SQL Remote
    Preparing your Adaptive Server Enterprise server

Installing the SQL Remote system objects

For a database in your Adaptive Server Enterprise server to take part in a SQL Remote installation, you must install a number of SQL Remote system tables, views, and stored procedures in your database.

To install the SQL Remote system objects

  1. Locate the SQL Remote initialization script ssremote.sql in your SQL Remote installation directory.

  2. Make a backup copy of the ssremote.sql script file. Then add the following two lines to the beginning of ssremote.sql:

    use database_name

    where database_name is the name of the database to take part in SQL Remote replication.

    These two lines set the current database to database_name, so that the SQL Remote tables are created in the database_name database. The SQL Remote tables are owned by the database owner.

  3. Run the script against your Adaptive Server Enterprise server.

    Change to the directory containing the script file and enter the following command line (which should be entered all on one line) to run the script:

    isql -S server-name -U login_id -P password -i ssremote.sql -o logfile

    where server-name is the name of the Adaptive Server Enterprise, login_id and password correspond to a user with system administrator permissions on the server who owns the database, and logfile is the name of a log file to hold the log information from the script.

    The login_id must correspond to the name used by the Message Agent. For more information, see The Message Agent and replication security.

  4. Inspect the log file to confirm that the tables and procedures were created without error.

The script creates a set of SQL Remote system objects in the database.

The SQL Remote system objects

Contents Index Ensuring TEMPDB is large enough The SQL Remote system objects