Contents Index Upgrading SQL Remote for Adaptive Server Enterprise Tutorials for Adaptive Server Anywhere Users

SQL Remote User's Guide
  Setting Up SQL Remote

Uninstalling SQL Remote

This section describes how to uninstall the SQL Remote objects from a database, and uninstall the stable queue from a database.

To uninstall the SQL Remote objects from a database

  1. Connect to the database containing the SQL Remote objects, as a user with dbo permissions.

  2. Run the sp_drop_sql_remote stored procedure to remove all SQL Remote objects apart from the procedure itself. The sp_drop_sql_remote procedure is installed along with the other SQL Remote objects.

    exec sp_drop_sql_remote
  3. Drop the sp_drop_sql_remote procedure to complete the uninstall procedure.

    drop procedure sp_drop_sql_remote

To uninstall the stable queue from a database

  1. Connect to the database containing the stable queue, as a user with dbo permissions.

  2. Run the sp_queue_drop stored procedure to remove all stable queue objects apart from the procedure itself. The sp_queue_drop procedure is installed along with the other stable queue objects.

    exec sp_queue_drop
  3. Drop the sp_queue_drop procedure itself, to complete the uninstall procedure.

    drop procedure sp_queue_drop

Contents Index Upgrading SQL Remote for Adaptive Server Enterprise Tutorials for Adaptive Server Anywhere Users