Contents Index Enter data at the consolidated database Receive data at the remote database

SQL Remote User's Guide
  Tutorials for Adaptive Server Anywhere Users
    Start replicating data

Send data from the consolidated database

To send the rows to the remote database, you must run the Message Agent at the consolidated database. The dbremote program is the Message Agent for Adaptive Server Anywhere.

To send the data to the remote database

  1. From a command prompt, change to your tutorial directory. For example,

    > c:
    > cd c:\tutorial
  2. Enter the following statement at the command line to run the Message Agent against the consolidated database:

    dbremote -c "dbn=hq;uid=dba;pwd=sql"

    This command line assumes that the hq database is currently running on the default server. If the database is not running, you must supply a dbf parameter with the database file name instead of the dbn parameter.

    For more information on dbremote options, see The Message Agent.

  3. Click Shutdown on the Message Agent window to stop the Message Agent when the messages have been sent. The Message Agent window displays the message Execution completed when all processing is complete.

Contents Index Enter data at the consolidated database Receive data at the remote database